Ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies Training and Certification
What you order is what you get might be a saying with regard to the PB and PBA ordering process. And actually that is true, since a bare board manufacturer will built you a board according to your specifications in the dataset, f.i. Gerber files. And an EMS will assemble it according to the information found in the assembly drawing and the BOM. So if you want quality boards and assemblies it is important that you supply your suppliers with quality documentation.
To do so you need to know how quality documentation looks like and what is essential information. It is here where the ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies training and certification comes in. It provides you with all information you need and gives you an insight on PB manufacturing processes, materials, documentation, PBA processes, electronic components etc. Information from various IPC standards is cited and brought together into one comprehensive package.
The Ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies Training and Certification is suitable for the following target group:
The Ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies Training main target group are people who are involved in the purchase of bare boards and PB assemblies. In this case we could think of individuals working at OEM’s or EMS’s responsible for ordering PB’s. Or end users ordering PBA from their EMS. But the information provided could be of interest for a much broader audience and be of interest for designers, process engineers and the like.
Application of the Ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies Training and Certification.
To receive the bare boards and/or assemblies you need it is important to work together as a team with PB manufacturer and EMS. The process of building an electronic product is like a chain, starting with the design and ending with the box-built. And as you know a chain is as strong as it weakest link. Make sure you are not the weakest link!
Profit from the extensive, up-to-date information and experience of our trainers. Profit from the extensive information in this training. Topics discussed are for instance DFX or Design for Excellence. In this training there is also attention for the IPC Validation services, a service provided by IPC to qualify an OEM or EMS, or supplier.
The added value of the Ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies Training and Certification.
With the information from this ordering and guidelines for printed circuit boards and assemblies training “in your pocket” you will be able to avoid many issues with the bare boards and assemblies you order. When the information from the training is consequently used in the purchase of PB’s and PBA’s you could say that buying products has become a strategy. A strategy in which all involved departments work together as a team.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for a complete training program, more information, or other training-related issues. By phone +31-(0)45-5703333, by email support@piektraining.com or request a quote.