! How can I register my students in the Portal, buy credits at IPC etc.?
PIEK has made some instruction video’s on Youtube which explains everything in detail. Please watch Part 1 - 6: https://www.youtube.com/
PIEK has made some instruction video’s on Youtube which explains everything in detail. Please watch Part 1 - 6: https://www.youtube.com/
In this case you should contact PIEK International Education Centre (I.E.C.) by telephone +31455703333 or via Email support@piektraining.com.
Each certificate has its unique serial ID number and is granted on an individual basis. In the case of a loss please contact PIEK for possibilities of receiving a substitute certificate. If you obtained your certification after August 2018, you [...]
Only IPC authorized certification centers and/or currently certified IPC trainers may certify people for a certain certification program. In case of doubt you could get a confirmation on the validity of this organization from IPC or ask the concerned organization [...]