This is what one company says (details known to PIEK):

Being a company that regularly orders from assembly companies in the technical interconnect industry, we often discuss outsourcing with our customers. Should we ourselves have all the expertise to educate our own staff? There is no unanimity on this subject, one of the reasons for this being the shortage of technically skilled staff.

For us, however, outsourcing courses, which in our case is mostly IPC certifications or re-certifications for IPC-A-600 and IPC-A-610, goes without saying. We tell our customers why we do not have the teaching expertise ourselves and why we are getting this expertise through an independent educational institute.

The main reason for this is that we would rather see our staff active in our core processes than in keeping themselves updated on the latest trends and developments in the field of IPC certification. It is cheaper and more effective to contract an external educational institute at any moment that suits us best. It also assures us that the instructors we get have the most up-to-date knowhow in our filed of activity. Furthermore, the institute’s instructors have wide international experience that they can share with our employees.

This is why we can thoroughly recommend outsourcing of IPC courses to all those in our network.