IPC-7094A describes the design and assembly challenges for implementing flip chip technology in a direct chip attach (DCA) assembly. The effect of bare-die or die-size components in a flip chip format has an impact on component characteristics and dictates the appropriate assembly methodology.

IPC-7094A, Design and Assembly Process Implementation for Flip Chip and Die-Size Components

The IPC-7094A standard focuses on design, assembly methodology, critical inspection, repair and reliability issues associated with flip chip and die-size package technologies, including wafer-level ball grid array (WLBGA).
It provides useful and practical information to those who mount bare-die or die-size components in a DCA assembly or those who are considering flip chip process implementation.

1 SCOPE This document describes the design and assembly challenges for implementing flip chip technology in a direct chip attach (DCA) assembly. The effect of bare-die or die-size components in a flip chip format has an impact on component characteristics and dictates the appropriate assembly methodology. This standard focuses on design, assembly methodology, critical inspection, repair and reliability issues associated with flip chip and die-size package technologies, including wafer-level ball grid array (WLBGA).
1.1 Target Audience and Intent The target audiences for this document are managers, design and process engineers as well as operators and technicians who deal with electronic assembly, inspection and repair processes. The intent is to provide useful and practical information to those who mount bare-die or die-size components in a DCA assembly or those who are considering flip chip process implementation.

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