IPC-A-610H is the most widely used electronics assembly acceptance standard in the electronics industry. IPC-A-610H standard includes a general update to the document, introduces several new surface mount component types and removes target conditions. Participants from 29 countries provided their input and expertise to bring this document to the electronics industry.
This is a must-have for inspectors, operators and others with an interest in the acceptance criteria for electronic assemblies. IPC-A-610 is developed in synergy with J-STD-001 and IPC/WHMA-A-620.
IPC-A-610H was developed by the IPC-A-610 Task Group (7-31b), IPC-A-610 Task Group – Europe (7-31b-EU) and IPC-A-610 Task Group – China (7-31b-CN) of the Product Assurance Committee (7-30) of IPC
Number of Pages: 416 | Release Date: 10/7/2020 | ISBN: 978-1-951577-61-2
Changes to IPC-A-610H include:
- Removed all target conditions – following the steps in IPC/WHMA-A-620D
- New criteria on wrapped terminals
- ESD moved to a separate appendix
- Separation of board assembly vs. cable and wire harness
- General updates throughout the standard
- Jumper wire criteria folded into their own chapter
Available at IPC: https://shop.ipc.org/IPC-A-610H-English-D
1.1 Scope This standard is a collection of visual quality acceptability requirements for electronic assemblies. This standard does not provide criteria for cross-section evaluation.
This document presents acceptance requirements for the manufacture of electrical and electronic assemblies. Historically, electronic assembly standards contained a more comprehensive tutorial addressing principles and techniques. For a more complete understanding of this document’s recommendations and requirements, one may use this document in conjunction with IPC-HDBK-001, IPC-AJ-820 and J-STD-001.The criteria in this standard are not intended to define processes to accomplish assembly operations nor is it intended to authorize repair/modification or change of the product. For instance, the presence of criteria for adhesive bonding of components does not imply/authorize/require the use of adhesive bonding and the depiction of a lead wrapped clockwise around a terminal does not imply/authorize/require that all leads/wires be wrapped in the clockwise direction.
Users of this standard should be knowledgeable of the applicable requirements of the document and how to apply them, see 1.3 Classification.
IPC-A-610 has criteria outside the scope of J-STD-001 defining mechanical and other workmanship requirements.
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For training in the IPC-A-610H, check out our IPC-A-610 training page.