Used in conjunction with IPC-2221, IPC-2223 establishes the specific requirements for the design of flexible printed boards and forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures. The flexible materials used in the structures are comprised of insulating films, reinforced and/or non-reinforced dielectric in combination with metallic materials. Revision D provides new design guidance and requirements for material selection and construction, selective (button) plating, minimum bending for flexible circuits with coverlay, impedance and capacitance control, unsupported edge conductors/fingers and copper filled vias/microvias. Number of pages: 28. Released September 2016.
IPC-2223D Sectional Design Standard for Flexible/Rigid-Flexible Printed Boards
This standard establishes the specific requirements for the design of flexible and rigid-flexible printed board applications and its forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures. The flexible materials used in the structures are comprised of insulating films, reinforced and/or non-reinforced, dielectric in combination with metallic materials. These interconnecting boards may contain single, double, multilayer, or multiple conductive layers and can be comprised wholly of flex or a combination of both flex and rigid.
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Developed by the Flexible Circuits Design Subcommittee (D-11) of the Flexible Circuits Committee (D-10) of IPC. Supersedes: IPC-D-249 – January 1987, IPC-2223 – November 1998, IPC-2223A – June 2004, IPC-2223B – May 2008, IPC-2223C – November 2011