IPC New Release: J-STD-609B(D)1 Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Lead-Free (Pb-Free)

This J-STD-609B(D)1 standard provides a marking and labeling system that aids in assembly, rework, repair and recycling and provides for the identification of:

  1. those assemblies that are assembled with lead-containing or lead-free solder;
  2. components that have lead-containing or lead-free second level interconnect terminal finishes and materials;
  3. the maximum component temperature not to be exceeded during assembly or rework processing;
  4. the base materials used in the PCB construction, including those PCBs that use halogen-free resin;
  5. the surface finish of PCBs; and
  6. the conformal coating on PCBAs.
By |2020-01-03T07:41:49+01:003 November 2016|Categories: IPC New Release|Tags: |

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