This standard establishes the requirements for timely customer notification of changes to electronic products and associated processes.
More info on the J-STD-046 product page of the IPC portal.
Replacing BGA-components, is it really that difficult?
This question we hear at our trainings from time to time. We sometimes even encounter “artists” that have already tried to replace BGA’s (Ball Grid Arrays) with common household appliances and tools. This includes tools [...]
Rework, Repair, Touch-up; Do you know the difference?
In practice, many people do not seem to be clear about what is meant when they talk about rework, repair and touch-up. In this article we will try to provide some clarity. A wire [...]
Qualified Rework of Ball Grid Array (BGA)
The qualified rework of a Ball Grid Array (BGA) involves the reworking of a BGA component on a circuit board, i.e. replacing a defective BGA or removing and properly replacing an incorrectly positioned BGA. What [...]
Solder balls on the PCB, are they allowed?
Example of Mid-Chip solder balls (beads) The IPC-A-610H states that solder balls are acceptable for all product classes provided they are entrapped or encapsulated e.g. in no-clean flux residue, under conformal coating, [...]
Hand soldering workshop and free ticket to productronica 2023
PIEK invites you to participate in a hand soldering workshop. The workshops will be held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the 2023 productronica Fair in Munich. Send an email to to sign up [...]
Why is it important to test your solder baths for contamination?
During the immersion, wave or selective soldering processes and in the HASL finish application processes, metals will dissolve in the liquid solder. The degree of dissolution depends on the base materials used (finishes on [...]